lundi 21 février 2011


der mod 4 jan. 2014
Documentaires et fictions
Historiens sur le sujet
Documents, lieux de mémoire
Fictions (BD, animés, films, romans) 

Articles :
Bruno David, Crimes de guerre du Japon showa. Regard du Japon moderne sur ses crimes passés. Travail de maturité, Gymnase cantonal du Bugnon, année 2010-2011 (tutrice: Anne-Claire LOUP, classe 3M3), Lausanne: Gymnase cantonal du Bugnon, 2011, 42p. Contient: pp 32-37, entretien avec Pierre-François SOUYRI.

« Nankin: holocauste ou affaire? MASSACRE • Chinois et Japonais sont divisés sur l’importance à donner au sac de la capitale chinoise par l’armée nipponne en 1937. Enjeux d’une mémoire discordante », LE COURRIER et LA LIBERTÉ , VENDREDI 23 NOVEMBRE 2007, page 15.
Une page (en anglais) reprenant beaucoup de matériel en japonais: The Nanking Safety Zone.

Documentaires et fictions :
Nanjing Nanjing, film de Lu Chuan, un des plus gros succès du cinéma chinois en 2009, consacré au massacre de Nankin par l’armée japonaise en 1937. Autre titre: City of Life and Death, 2009 film de Lu Chuan. Existe en DVD.

Le sac de Nankin [Enregistrement vidéo] / un film de Serge Viallet. – [S.l.] : ARTE France : Pdj Production [prod.], 2007. – 1 DVD-R (52 min.). – (Les mercredis de l'histoire). – Diffusé sur Arte, le 28 novembre 2007. Aussi diffusé sur RTS – Images d'archives de provenances diverses. – "Le film part du procès de 1947 pour raconter, chronologiquement, ce que l'on sait aujourd'hui des massacres de Nankin, et tente d'en éclairer les causes profondes. Vent de folie? Ordre de la hiérarchie. Des faits que le Japon, vaincu et occupé, ne découvrira que lorsque le tribunal international de Tokyo jugera vingt-cinq de ses hauts dirigeants pour leurs responsabilités dans une guerre de colonisation qui, au total, aura fait plus de 20 millions de morts en Asie et dans le Pacifique.".

Nanking [Enregistrement vidéo] / directed by Bill Guttentag and Dan Sturman, [S.l.] : ThinkFilm, 2008, (90 min.)
Analyse (rero): "The film tells the story of the Japanese invasion of Nanking, China in the early days of World War II and focuses on the efforts of a small group of unarmed Westerners who established a Safety Zone where over 200,000 Chinese found refuge. The events of the film are told through deeply moving interviews with Chinese survivors, archival footage, and chilling testimonies of Japanese soldiers, interwoven with staged readings of the Westerners’ letters and diaries as performed by Jurgen Prochnow, Woody Harrelson, Stephen Dorff, and Mariel Hemingway, among others."

Les chemins de la guerre [Enregistrement vidéo] : Le Japon. Genève : TSR ; [Paris?] : M6 [etc.], 07.01.1990, Collection Bleu nuit . Disponible au Bugnon.

Le Japon, l'empereur et l'armée [DVD]: le Japon confronté à son passé, du pacifisme au réarmement: un pays en quête de puissance , WATANABE, Kenichi, Kamiprod, 2009. Disponible au Bugnon.

Japanese War Crimes and Trials: Murder Under the Sun
Produced by Lou Reda.
This documentary examines World War II from a unique perspective - that of former American soldiers who were held as POWs under the Japanese Imperial Army. This film offers a vivid narration of Japanese aggression in the Far East; covering the period from the initial invasion of Manchuria to the Nanking Massacre and finally the post-war Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. The film also seeks to understand the historical basis of Japan’s  present attitude towards its wartime past.

Magee’s Testament
35 minutes.  Directed by Peter Wang.
The documentary relies heavily on footage from Rev John Magee’s film record of the events in Nanking. John Magee was the Chairman of the Nanking Red Cross Council (after the war he became the chaplain of Yale University) during the time of Japanese occupation. As a foreigner, he was able to obtain permits from the Japanese military authorities to take photographs. With a 16mm movie camera, he documented the brutalaties of the Japanese soldiers.

John Gillespie Magee (1884 – 1953), missionnaire en Chine en 1937, a filmé le massacre de Nankin. Biographie sur + indications sur les circonstances du film. Courts extraits films terrifiants sur YouTube. John Magee's Nanjing Massacre Film Archive Press Meeting (约翰·马吉的南京大屠杀影片档案新闻发布).

In the Name of the Emperor
52 minutes. Directed by Christine Choy, Nancy Tong. Produced by Nancy Tong.
This documentary, which both sears and chills, exposes Japan's extended amnesia in regard to their war crimes and the way in which this has been abetted by their government, as well as our own.

Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre, 1994 Film de Mou Tun Fei.

Don't Cry, Nanking, 1995 Film de Wu Ziniu.

Monographies :

Le viol de Nankin : 1937 : un des plus grands massacres du XXe siècle / Iris Chang ; trad. de l'anglais (Etats-Unis) par Corinne Marotte ; préf. de Robert Frank, Paris : Payot & Rivages, 2010.

Le massacre de Nankin 1937 : entre mémoire, oubli et négation / Michaël Prazan, Paris : Denoël, 2007.
L'armée de l'Empereur : violences et crimes du Japon en guerre, 1937-1945 / Jean-Louis Margolin ; préf. d'Yves Ternon , Paris : A. Colin, 2007.

Historiens sur le sujet :
Liste de chercheurs récents sur les crimes de guerre par le Japon (auteurs anglophones par la publication).

Documents, lieux de mémoire :

A Nankin (Nanjing), le mémorial dédié aux victimes du Massacre de Nankin.
The Memorial Hall for Victims in Nanjing Massacre.

Stadium of Skulls

“A Stadium of Skulls erected by the citizens of Hengyang in Hunan Province as a memorial to their relatives, massacred by the Japanese in 1944. “
Here is the famous "Stadium of Skulls" photo by Roy Rowan:

Description: Stadium of Skulls
IPTC Author Rowan;Roy
IPTC City Hengyang
IPTC Province State Hunan
IPTC Country Name China
IPTC Copyright Caption ©2007 MFA Productions LLC
IPTC Caption A Stadium of Skulls erected by the citizens of Hengyang in Hunan Province as a memorial to their relatives, massacred by the Japanese in 1944. Buried in shallow trenches, the fleshless skeletons were exhumed right after the war. Then, the whitened skulls were arranged in tiers to simulate a grandstand of ghosts overlooking the scene of their slaughter. During the Ichi-Go Offensive's Battle of Hengyang-Changsha in June 1944, after taking Changsha, two Japanese military detachments moved on to besiege Hengyang on June 22, but the Chinese National Revolutionary Army's Tenth Division repelled their advance twice. In August 1944, Japanese troops again attacked Hengyang with the help of air support. Nationalist Chinese resisted, using knowledge of the terrain. The Chinese defences were intelligently constructed and used crossfire zones to maximize firepower. This broke the advance of the Imperial Japanese Army's 11th Division. After taking heavy casualties, the Imperial Japanese Army's 58th Division broke into the city, and the 11th Division resumed their attack. Biological and chemical weapons were used by the Japanese. Reinforcements sent by the Chinese National Revolutionary Army attempted many times to reach Hengyang, but were blocked. After 47 days of bitter fighting, the Japanese troops managed to occupy Hengyang on August 8. They paid a heavy price in casualties, with 60,000 troops. The Japanese inflicted 55,000 civilian casualties and 100,000 Kuomintang. After the surrender, the Japanese forced all able-bodied persons to hard labor without adequate food, water, or shelter. Some wounded were buried alive; others were collected at the Chuanshan Middle School, where they were left to die. Mass graves on the outskirts of the city were dug up in 1946".

Image trouvée par Jeanne Francillon, Francine Pasquier, Hewan Biruk, Emilie Troyon et Caroline Schudel, 2C2, 2011-2012

Extrait de Recherches sur images du totalitarisme, TP sur images du totalitarisme.

Fictions (BD, animés, films, romans) :


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